Project Details
Funding Scheme : General Research Fund
Project Number : 14207924
Project Title(English) : Integrated Photonic Control of Mode Distribution in Multimode Optical Fiber for Novel Ultra-small Diameter Multimode Fiber Endoscopic Imaging System 
Project Title(Chinese) : 用於新型超小直徑多模光纖內窺鏡成像系統的多模光纖中模式分佈的集成光學控制 
Principal Investigator(English) : Prof Tsang, Hon Ki 
Principal Investigator(Chinese) : 曾漢奇 
Department : Dept of Electronic Engineering
Institution : The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Co - Investigator(s) :
Panel : Engineering
Subject Area : Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Exercise Year : 2024 / 25
Fund Approved : 1,133,254
Project Status : On-going
Completion Date : 31-12-2027
Abstract as per original application
Endoscopic imaging is widely used clinically but is limited by the relatively large diameters, of the order of millimeters, of even the thinnest endoscopes currently available, that prevent the endoscope from accessing difficult to reach organs like the brain or inner cochlea. The development of endoscopes which are one order of magnitude smaller in diameter than the ones available today can increase the clinical applications of endoscopes, such as for deep brain imaging, while reducing the damage and pain experienced by patients in more conventional applications such as transnasal and transoral endoscopy. The use of multimode optical fibers for imaging has the potential to reduce the diameter of endoscopes by an order of magnitude, to less than 0.2mm diameter. Multimode optical fibers for endoscopic imaging have therefore attracted much research in recent years and impressive imaging performances have been demonstrated using bulk optical components and spatial light modulators at the proximal end of the fiber in order to engineer the wavefront of light at the distal end of the multimode fiber and achieve high resolution imaging. However such demonstrations are unsuited for clinical applications because they rely on bulk optics and free-space aligned beams which are sensitive to mechanical vibrations that perturb the position of mirrors or lenses, so that the demonstrations are typically built on vibration-free optical benches. In this project we propose the development of a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) which integrates all the necessary components for the multimode fiber imaging system on a silicon chip. We shall implement the system using the silicon photonics chip fabrication services offered by commercial foundries for the integration of phase shifters, mode multiplexers and photodetectors. Our proposed approach will realize a robust, vibration insensitive and high-resolution multimode fiber imaging system. We shall tackle the basic challenge of how to couple light between the multimode fiber and the photonic integrated circuit using grating based optical nanoantenna array, and we shall develop the algorithms for the control of the high-speed phase shifters on the PIC and the compressive imaging reconstruction algorithms using the light reflected back into the multimode optical fiber to achieve high-resolution imaging. The proposed development of the PIC for multimode fiber imaging systems will enable a robust and ultra-small (less than 0.3mm diameter) high-resolution endoscopic imaging system, which will reduce the diameter of endoscopes by more than an order of magnitude and expand the possible applications of endoscopic imaging.
Research Outcome
Layman's Summary of
Completion Report:
Not yet submitted