Abstract as per original application (English/Chinese): |
Evidence shows that parents vary in the extent to which they base their self-worth on their children’s performance, with those high in child-based worth engaging in more insensitive parenting as manifest in their greater use of controlling practices. However, much is still unknown concerning the role of parents’ child-based worth in their affective experience and parenting practices in the achievement context, as well as its role in parents’ responses to children’s failure, which can be threatening to parents high in child based-worth. Research from social and personality psychology suggests that when individuals hinge their self-worth on their performance in a specific domain, there are negative implications for their emotional functioning (e.g., anxiety), cognitive processes (e.g., performance attribution), behaviors (e.g., self-regulation), and interpersonal relationships.
To date, investigators have not examined factors that may attenuate the negative implications of parental child-based worth nor developed intervention programs for parents’ high in child-based worth. The growing body of research on self-compassion, however, suggests that it may be a promising direction for intervention. Self-compassion has not only been linked to better psychological functioning and more adaptive responses to negative events but also mindful parenting. With an emphasis on taking a non-judgmental stance toward oneself, self-compassion may be effective in countering the preoccupation with children’s performance among parents high in child-based worth.
The central idea guiding the proposed study is that parents’ child-based worth may have negative implications for their affective experience and parenting in the achievement context as well as emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to children’s performance, and that self-compassion may attenuate these negative implications. About 120 parents will complete an online survey and report on the extent to which they base their self-worth on children’s performance in the social domain. These parents and their children in fourth through sixth grades will then visit the lab for an experiment. Self-compassion will be induced in those parents randomly assigned to the experimental condition. Parent-child dyads will then participate in a self-presentation task and receive feedback designed to create a failure experience. Reports by parents, observers, and children will be used to evaluate parents’ affective experience and use of mindful as opposed to insensitive parenting in this achievement context, as well as parents’ affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses to children’s failure. Findings will advance understanding of parents’ child-based worth and elucidate if self-compassion is a promising direction for interventions targeting parents’ child-based worth.