Project Details |
Funding Scheme : | General Research Fund | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project Number : | 18600015 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project Title(English) : | 陳寅恪的文學觀念與實際批評研究 A Study of Chen Yinke’s Literary Thoughts and Practical Criticism | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project Title(Chinese) : | 陳寅恪的文學觀念與實際批評研究 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Principal Investigator(English) : | Prof Lee, Kwai Sang | ||||||||||||||||||||
Principal Investigator(Chinese) : | |||||||||||||||||||||
Department : | Department of Literature and Cultural Studies | ||||||||||||||||||||
Institution : | The Education University of Hong Kong | ||||||||||||||||||||
E-mail Address : | kslee@eduhk.hk | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tel : | |||||||||||||||||||||
Co - Investigator(s) : |
Panel : | Humanities, Social Sciences | ||||||||||||||||||||
Subject Area : | Humanities and Arts | ||||||||||||||||||||
Exercise Year : | 2015 / 16 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Fund Approved : | 182,750 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project Status : | Completed | ||||||||||||||||||||
Completion Date : | 31-12-2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Project Objectives : |
Abstract as per original application (English/Chinese): |
有見及此,本計劃試圖從現代中國文學研究史的角度入手,全面整理陳寅恪有關文學的論述,闡明他的文學觀念,並且深入辨析他的研究方法與前人的異同。除理念層面外,我們還會爬梳散見於陳寅恪著作的評論文字,重構他的實際批評和鑑賞方法。本研究不但能夠揭示陳寅恪在中國文學批評理論方面的貢獻,亦能深化大家對20世紀中國文學研究現代化進程的理解。 Chen Yinke was not only a renowned master of historiography of the 20th century, but also one of the most influential figures of Chinese positivism in literary research, whose distinctive studies on mutual verification between literature and history have extensive and far-reaching influence on Chinese literary research. Despite the fact that a considerable amount of achievement regarding Chen’s research method has been explored by many scholars, the researches, however, are mostly derived from historiography methods or the macro-perspectives of academic studies. Thus, the focus of researches is striving to reflect the inter-disciplinary features and hermeneutical implications of verification between literature and history, yet it seldom addresses Chen’s viewpoint towards literary criticism. Hence, some fundamental questions are still left unanswered. The current academia still lack adequate understanding of issues towards Chen’s perception on the nature and functions of literature, as well as his criticism methodology and aesthetic criteria; hence there is a room for further in-depth discussion. Against this backcloth, this research attempts to, from the approach of history of modern Chinese literary studies, arrange thorough discussions concerning Chen’s literary reviews and interpret his relevant viewpoints, together with an in-depth investigation into the difference and similarity of the methodology between Chen and his predecessors. Apart from theoretical elucidations, this study will also gather and organize phrases scattered throughout Chen’s work on criticism, so as to re-establish and articulate his methodology of practical criticism and appreciation. This research not only reveals Chen’s contribution to the theoretical development of Chinese literary criticism, but also deepens our understanding of the modernization progress of Chinese literary studies in the 20th century. |
Realisation of objectives: | 原訂四項目標已全數完成,首席研究員全面歸納和分析了陳寅恪的著作及相關文獻,並且針對原訂目標,把研究成果整理為兩篇學術文章,發表在所屬大學評定為最高級別(A級)的學術期刊上。 研究員針對目標1及目標2,寫成〈文學鑑賞與歷史詮釋:陳寅恪批評觀念探析〉,發表於臺灣師範大學《國文學報》,2017年,第62期,第237-282頁。 該文由錢鍾書對陳寅恪的評論引入,全面整理陳氏傳世學術著作中涉及文學的論述,闡明其文學觀念(目標1,100%完成),並且通過對比前人有關詩史的論述,聚焦考察了文學與歷史在陳氏文史互證研究中所佔的位置,逐一探討歷史研究與文本解讀、文學鑑賞之間的關係,客觀和深入地評估了陳寅恪在文學領域內的意義和貢獻。(目標2,100%完成) 研究員針對目標3及目標4,寫成〈陳寅恪典故考釋批評觀念及其實踐方法析論〉。論文已順利通過兩位學者的匿名審查,將發表於臺灣政治大學《政大中文學報》第三十期(2018年12月)或三十一期(2019年6月)內,確認信函已附於論文之上。 該文把陳寅恪的典故研究安置在文學批評的脈絡中,全面整理和重構這種方法的形成過程、觀念意蘊和評鑑架構,由此闡明陳氏的實際批評和鑑賞方法(目標3,100%完成)。此外文章亦對這套詮釋方法的局限和問題作出客觀的評析,檢討陳寅恪以實證主義為基礎的文學研究,是否足以回應五四以來學界對古典文學的批評,由此深化大家對20世紀中國實證主義文學研究的理解(目標4,100%完成)。 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Summary of objectives addressed: |
Research Outcome | |||||||||||||||||||||
Major findings and research outcome: | 一、釐清陳寅恪文史互證研究中歷史與文學的關係:在陳寅恪文史互證研究中,文學與歷史究竟處於甚麼關係?學界對這個問題過去一直未有一致的理解。本研究歸納前人的相關說法,深入探討各種主張的優劣,並從詮釋效果的角度釐清了文學與歷史的深層關係。 二、闡明陳寅恪文學研究的學術預設及審美架構:文學與史學分屬不同範圍,陳寅恪究竟是怎樣把二者連結起來?本研究通過大量材料的歸納和分析,揭示陳寅恪視文學文本為歷史存有的基本預設,並考察他如何通過時序關係的重構,建立其獨特的鑑賞理論。 三、深化有關陳寅恪文學批評及現代中國文學研究進程的討論:陳寅恪對文本的實際批評散見於不同著述,一直缺乏系統的整理。本研究把這些評論文字匯集起來,並以「典故批評」為軸心,說明陳氏實際批評的主要依據,並且對其詮釋方法的漏洞和局限作出客觀的評析。這些討論不但能夠拓闊過去有關陳寅恪文學批評的研究,還可以深化學界對20世紀中國文學研究進程的理解。 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Potential for further development of the research and the proposed course of action: |
在撰寫陳寅恪典故批評論文期間,本人注意他的說法其實針對胡適提倡白話文時所說的「不用典故」一項而發。為了對照胡適與陳寅恪論述的差異,本人重頭翻閱胡適傳世著作和新刊材料,並且精讀當中涉及實際批評的部分,發現「自然主義」在胡適的文學觀念中實佔相當獨特的地位,正是20世紀上半葉中國古典文學知識化的另一重要案例。鑑於過去學者鮮有深究胡適對自然主義的理解,亦未嘗論及自然主義與其文學批評之間的關係,本人擬針對這些問題作系統的專題個案研究。 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Layman's Summary of Completion Report: | 過去學者多從宏觀的角度考察陳寅恪文史互證的跨學科特色,本計劃則從現代中國文學研究史的角度入手,全面整理陳氏涉及文學的論述,闡明其文學觀念,並且爬梳散見於不同著作的評論文字,重構他的實際批評和鑑賞方法。本研究不但(1)釐清了陳寅恪文史互證研究中歷史與文學的關係、(2)闡明其文學研究的學術預設及審美架構,還(3)深化了學界有關陳氏文學批評以至現代中國文學研究進程方面的討論。 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Research Output | |||||||||||||||||||||
Peer-reviewed journal publication(s) arising directly from this research project : (* denotes the corresponding author) |
Recognized international conference(s) in which paper(s) related to this research project was/were delivered : |
Other impact (e.g. award of patents or prizes, collaboration with other research institutions, technology transfer, etc.): |