Project Details
Funding Scheme : General Research Fund
Project Number : 18604918
Project Title(English) : Circulation of Literature Across Territories : Wang Jingxi and Hong Kong Versions of Chun wenxue and Wen Xing Cong Kan, and the Literary Fields in Taiwan and Hong Kong in the 1960s to 70s. (跨地域的文學流轉──王敬羲、港版《純文學》、「文星叢刊」與六七十年代台、港文學場域) 
Project Title(Chinese) : 跨地域的文學流轉──王敬羲、港版《純文學》、「文星叢刊」與六七十年代台、港文學場域 
Principal Investigator(English) : Dr Chan, Chi Tak 
Principal Investigator(Chinese) : 陳智德 
Department : Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
Institution : The Education University of Hong Kong
E-mail Address : chitak@eduhk.hk 
Tel : 29487210 
Co - Investigator(s) :
Panel : Humanities, Social Sciences
Subject Area : Humanities and Arts
Exercise Year : 2018 / 19
Fund Approved : 259,973
Project Status : Completed
Completion Date : 31-12-2020
Project Objectives :
To look into how Wang Jingxi added original material based on the taste of Hong Kong readers on top of the Taiwan version of Chun Wenxue (Pure Literature) in his Hong Kong version. 探討王敬羲如何因應香港的閱讀市場,在台版《純文學》之基本模式上,加入針對香港讀者的內容。
To compare the reasons behind the closure of Taiwan and Hong Kong versions of Chun Wenxue, and the different discourses about the closure of the two versions, and to bring the discussion further to explore the dissemination and reception of literature via literary publications across Taiwan and Hong Kong during the 1960s to 70s. 比較台版《純文學》及港版《純文學》停刊的原因,及其在停刊問題上作出的不同論述,進而探討六七十年代臺、港兩地文學出版所涉的文學傳播與接受課題。
To look into the ban on Wen Xing Cong Kan in Taiwan and its continuation in Hong Kong via Wen Yi Bookstore from the perspectives of "literary fields" 從「文學場域」角度探討「文星叢刊」在台灣被查禁,以及「文星叢刊」以文藝書屋名義在香港延續出版的意義。
To look into Wang Jingxi's influence on the literature scene from his position as editor of literary journals and publisher and from related discourse, and to evaluate his position in the history of Hong Kong literature. 透過王敬羲的文學雜誌編輯、出版工作和相關論述,探討他對文壇的影響,評價他在香港文學史上的位置。
Abstract as per original application
This project investigates literary fields of Taiwan and Hong Kong in the 1960s, and the dissemination and reception of literature via literary publications across Taiwan and Hong Kong during the 1960s to 70s, with the Hong Kong versions of Chun wenxue (Pure literature) and Wen Xing Cong Kan as examples. Wang Jingxi (1932-2008) was chief editor of these publications. Wang studied in Taiwan after completing secondary education in Hong Kong. He returned to Hong Kong and founded the Zheng Wen publishing house and published Hong Kong version of Chun wenxue , and introduced Wen Xing Cong Kan series from Taiwan via his Wen Yi Bookstore which opened in 1968. After Wen Xing was banned in Taiwan, publication of Wen Xing Cong Kan continued in the name of Wen Yi Bookstore. It was owing to Hong Kong version of Chun wenxue that Hong Kong readers could came into contact with works by writers such as Yin Hai-guang(1919-1969), Li Ao(1935-), Bo Yang (1920-2008), Pai Hsien-yung (1937-), Yu Guangzhong (1928-), etc. This is why Wang was also known as the "bridge between cultural scenes in Taiwan and Hong Kong." On the other hand, his poor management led to accusation of not paying royalties to the authors and infringements of copyrights. What Wang created from the mid1960s to 70s was a complicated case regarding cultural publishing. This project aims to investigate the significance of Wang Jingxi in the dissemination of literature across Hong Kong and Taiwan, and in the fields of literature.
Research Outcome
Layman's Summary of
Completion Report: